Thursday, June 30, 2011

Summer 2011 Day 8-9

Day 8: Well on Wednesday morning I didn't really do much. I just took a shower and got ready to go to Breeana's house. When her mom picked me up at 4:00pm.. we went out to eat at this really spicy chinese food place. But, we didn't just eat there. We bought harmonicas and fake moustaches and put them on and we made soooo many people laugh! It was hilarious! We got comments like " Wow.. you don't see that everyday" and " Mommy! Mommy look! Those girls have moustaches!" LOL! Then we played guitar outside while we waited for her parents to finish eating. Then we watched a sucky alien movie and went to bed.

Day 9: Got up at 6:00am to go to the beach with Breeana! We got there and took a walk and then we got on a plastic manta ray and rode waves and kept falling off! It was so fun! Then I got home and took a nap after my doctors appointment.  

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