Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Summer 2011 Day 1

This morning I woke up. I grabbed my phone and looked at it. On my home screen it said ' Wednesday 9:40am ' and I instantly PANICKED ..thinking I had school! I turned around so I wasn't facing the wall anymore .. and I see my friend Sarah's dirty feet in my face! OH YEAH! Yesterday after school we went to the skate park and ran around barefoot and went out for pizza with our friends Erik and Mitchell. I came over her house and slept over! That's why her feet were in my face! hahaha. wow. Well tonight I am going to Tyler's hockey game with Sarah and we are going to see all of those 'hot' guys they keep talking about. Lets actually see if he's kidding or being serious about these kids. It's raining too... yay first day of summer :/

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