Friday, November 11, 2011

New York Trip for my Birthday!

Well for my birthday, we decided to go to New York City for a night, and it was SOOO FUN! I took my best friend, and my sister took a friend, and we went shopping, got our selves sketched by street artists, went to time square at night, went out to eat, saw the politicians ( they were right outside of our hotel.. it was kind of funny ), and they were shooting batman down the street, so we got to watch that to! It was so cool! My favorite part of New York was taking a lot of pictures (: It was so fun and I can't wait to go back again!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween is CANCLED

I swear.. this is the stupidest thing ever. I had the perfect costume picked out since the beginning of summer.. and now it's cancled. STUPID SNOW

Thursday, October 27, 2011

HIghschool open house tonight (:

I'm going to one of the local private schools tonight for an open house! I probably won't end up going there.. but I guess ill decide that once i see it !! (:

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Shoe design?

I just sort of sketched this out.. idk I kind of like it. I probably could have done better with the outline and coloring but overall I think it's pretty cute!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Must haves for fall #1: Plaid Scarves!

Tucked into a jacket, or let looser with a long sleeve shirt, these are a must have for this season! You can almost find plaid scarves everywhere, but if your looking for the best of the best, check out Burberry. They are known for their famous " Burberry Scarf" pattern, which is shown in the picture shown on the right. These scarves go great with a nice jacket, sweater, or just a simple Northface jacket ( for a more casual look ).

Hanna's Lovely Life Blog!

8th grade is the best!!

At first it was a little doubtful, but I just got a huge reality check today when we took a trip to one of our local highschools. It was the best! I'm positive im not going to that specific school, mainly because im not interested in going to a vocational school ( that was the kind of school it was )... but I learned a lot today! I took a tour through the graphic designs course today, and I got to make a justin bieber poster! Let's just say it turned out pretty hot (; . Too bad the lunch there made me sick.. so I had to miss field hockey practice today and go home :( , which is sad .. being that this is my last week of being on my middle school's field hockey team. But, back to the reality check. I just realized I'm going to be in highschool this year. I actually have to make DECISIONS now.. great -__-. Let's hope i dont screw up (:

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Sunday, September 18, 2011

I love 8th grade (:

Got my new phone a few weeks ago. It's pretty amazing. It's the Droid Motorola 3, and its soo freakin amazing! 8th grade has been going on for almost a month now. At first, I HATED it. But now, it's amazing. All of my teachers are like THE BEST... EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM. (: <3 cant wait till fall!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Summer - Last Day

Tommorow school starts. Wow.. This summer went by WAY to fast! I met lot's of great friends this summer, and I had a lot of great ( and bad ) times. I hope this year in 8th grade, will be my best year yet! I'm so exited to see everyone, and to admit, on the last day of school last year, I was actually sad school ended! Let's hope this years even better! Ill post throughout the year, mabye a few times a month, just to check in. But, as you can tell I can't hold down a daily diary like I wanted to in the beginning of the summer. I guess it's time to say ..

Goodbye Summer 2011, Hello Class of 2012!

I also forgot to say, I graduate this year! AHHHHH. Highschool next year! OMGOMGOMG AHH! <3

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Summer 2011 Day 37

Ive been skipping days because Ive been at field hockey camp.. but nothing THAT important happened. I went to Williams College in the Berkshires and it was so pretty! We were aloud to walk around the whole campus and do anything we wanted really. I had a lot of fun and I can't wait until next year!

Field Hockey Camp!

Just got back from field hockey camp today! It was so fun and I can't wait until the upcoming season! WOohooo!! Gooo Falcons!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Summer 2011 day 25

I know I skipped a lot of days but Ive been busy. Camp.. AND MARTHA VINEYARD. Yep! I went there yesterday with my aunt and it was really pretty! We took a tour around the island, did some shopping, ate lunch, and it was really nice! Here's a picture my sister took with her new phone. ( I get my Droid around August 25! So pumped! )

Saturday, July 16, 2011


While at camp, we went down to the gorge and I took some photos! I really like them a lot.. so I hope you do to! Some of them wouldn't upload for some reason. Oh well!

Back from Camp!

Well I know I skipped a few days before I went to camp.. but I really didn't do much those days so I don't think it really matters. Okay so I'm not going to go through every single day at camp ( mainly because I can't remember ), but I will tell you the main focus points of this years camp.

Week 1: ( Hollywood Week )
1. Was in the cabin Hillside4 with only 2 other girls ( My previous friends Hannah and Alli ) and a counselor named Pip ( I called her Pippy ) who was from Australia ( but she moved to England ).

 2. I made this friend named Neea and she was the best! She was one of a kind and liked the same music and everything as me. She was a little gothic looking on the outside, but that was just the outside. She was SO freakin funny and she was so nice and I miss her a lot!!

3. I danced with Andrew at the dance .. but it was only for like 4 seconds because I ruined it for myself and just left and started dancing around ( like doing ballet )

4. Water Country was so fun too! I got an airbrush tattoo for the first time and It was wicked cool!!

Week 2: ( Color Week )

1. The color war theme this year was Sailors ( Blue ) VS. Pirated ( Red )

2. I got to see Cole <3

3. Cole made me cry when he asked out Emily ( one of my friends.. and one of his ex-girlfriends ).. She said no.

4. During a cabin-time ( free-time ) we layed down in the grass alone and listened to Remembering Sunday by All Time Low and we looked up at the sky together and were like almost about to hold hands and everything and I was happy the rest of the day.

4. He got over Emily on the last day and looked at me in a different way ( he same way he did once before while laying in the grass ) .. and I started crying because I knew I wasn't going to see him for awhile, and he grabbed my arm and hugged me for like 13 seconds and then let go ( with his arms still around my waist. He lifts up my chin and he looks me in the eyes and says " Look Hanna, you have no idea how much I'm going to miss you. On week 7 of camp, when your sister comes, make sure you visit or ill die. I'll like seriously give you the frikin biggest hug you have ever had ".  <33 AHH.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Summer 2011 Day 8-9

Day 8: Well on Wednesday morning I didn't really do much. I just took a shower and got ready to go to Breeana's house. When her mom picked me up at 4:00pm.. we went out to eat at this really spicy chinese food place. But, we didn't just eat there. We bought harmonicas and fake moustaches and put them on and we made soooo many people laugh! It was hilarious! We got comments like " Wow.. you don't see that everyday" and " Mommy! Mommy look! Those girls have moustaches!" LOL! Then we played guitar outside while we waited for her parents to finish eating. Then we watched a sucky alien movie and went to bed.

Day 9: Got up at 6:00am to go to the beach with Breeana! We got there and took a walk and then we got on a plastic manta ray and rode waves and kept falling off! It was so fun! Then I got home and took a nap after my doctors appointment.  

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Summer 2011 Day 7 ( Evening )

Well .. the second I got home i crashed into bed. So.. that's why I'm writing this today and not yesterday. Well I went to my friend's pool party, and it was really fun! I got pushed in the pool though  ( ohh those boys! lol ). It was really fun but the biggest downfall of the party was the bugs! I woke up this morning with so many bug bights! Anyways.. I got new shorts from abercrombie.. and new flip flops! They are really cute too! I also have a huge sunburn on my face ( I think that's what it is.. I'm not sure yet.. because at the party we had a huge cupcake food fight and i got cupcake all over my face .. so it might be just dry skin from that? .. idk ). Well I had a fun day last night! Too bad I won't see my friends again for awhile :(

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Summer 2011 Day 7 ( Morning )

It's been one full week of summer so far! Whichd means it's almost CAMP TIME <3 I am so exited to go to camp! Anyway... well today is my friend Shelbys pool party and like EVERYONE is going.. so I'm happy that the one time I can actually go to the party.. that it will be a good one. I'm soo exited to go!

Summer 2011 Day 6

Hey well Im doing this a day late because I forgot about this yesterday! Well yesterday we didn't do much.. I went to Walmart to get a few things for camp ( couldn't find ANY clothes) and then went to Panera Bread for "lunch" ( it was like at 4:00 ) .. Then we got home and I just watched like an hour of the movie Robin Hood and then went to bed :).

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Summer 2011 Day 5

YAYY! Well on Wednesday I am going to Breeana's house sleeping over! I'm so exited to see her! It's been forever! Then on Thursday we are getting up super early to go back to Plum Island and go to the beach! I love that place.. its amazing. I have my physical appointment on Thursday too -__-. I hope it's not one of those weird ones. I really have when doctors check out your body. It's awkward! But.. if i don't go then I can't go to camp so I guess it's worth it. Only 7 days until camp! Kim went to camp today and I want to write her letters but I have NO IDEA how to! I guess ill ask lol. Today I didn't do much. Just called Breeana and talked for a little while.. then I had chesseburgers for lunch. Yep.. that's really it. So I guess ill talk to ya later! Byeee!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Summer 2011 Day 4 I got up.. went on polyvore.. and then we had this little " Mystery  Road-Trip" and just went up to Rockport MA. I got a new sweatshirt too! It's wicked cute! We went out to eat for dinner.. but it SUCKED. The restaurant didn't have anything good. They didn't have any of the usual condiments and all of the things they did have were really gross. So I didn't eat much... which is unusual for me. Hmm. weird. Okay well I'm going to go have one of those yummylicious popsicles my mom just got. They are like lemon and lime and are really REALLY good! Ill probably hang out on polyvore until I go to bed.

ByeBye Day 4 (:

The Last Song!

Blue (:

Rustic Beauty

Rustic Beauty