Saturday, May 28, 2011

Yesterday does not Define you

Memorial Day weekend!

I have nothing planned this weekend :( .. I thought I was going to go to a cook-out with one of my really good friends, and I even cancelled my plans with my camp friend that I havn't seen in FOREVER to go to this cook-out.  But, his plan didn't work out and now Im stuck home for the rest of the weekend.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

No field trip tommorow -__-

Half of our grade get's to go, the other half has to wait another few weeks. WHAT THE HECK -__-. Why can't we all just go.. because I mean I actually want to miss the hard classes... and not the end of school days when you just sit around and play board-games. Whatever, but yeah so my science block is going on the trip with my sisters class.. YAY -__-.


Monday, May 23, 2011

School! (:

Well I just got home from school about 2 hours ago, so I'm trying to do my homework but I'm too distracted texting riley <3

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sick ): I got sick at the movies, and we went out to eat but I didn't order anything. Movie was good, but the projection screen stopped working and there were people yelling and laughing at the commercials.. it was pretty entertaining hahaha! Just going to play some guitar until I get tired.. I need to learn some new songs too! Any suggestions? I'm looking for some beachy happy stuff.. (:


well I am going to the movies soo ill talk to y'all later (: I think I'm going to see Pirate of the Caribbean!! woohoo! 



Taylor Swift & NeverShoutNever. are not similar AT ALL.. but I have recently been obsessing over both of these people! Taylor Swift is just drop dead gorgeous, and she actually was the one who inspired me to start playing guitar this year, and to wear my hair naturally curly .. woohoo! I love her music, her looks, and her personality. She really relates to me in many ways, figuring she was bullied when she was younger,  like I was when I went to my old school.
     Now, NeverShoutNever is just the best! His songs and style of music relates to by fashion insense now, sort of the hippie-boho style. I'm really in love this this guy (: hahaha.

More into makeup (:

Well recently I've been getting really into makeup! Way more than I was in the winter time. Ive bought a bunch of colored eyeliners, colored mascaras, and some better foundations that are just so fun to play around with! I love doing other peoples makeup as well! During my school play I came in early to do the cast's makeup, and I got lot's of compliments. I love giving my friend's makeovers too.. it's just amazing!

Taylor Swift &lt;3