Saturday, May 21, 2011

Ooo look. It's 6:00 and I'm still alive.

Well as we all know, today at 6:00 the world was sapost to end. But, what people don't get is this:

1. If the world was going to END today, we couldn't all die at the same time at 6:00 because there are different time zones.

2. They said this back in the 1990's, and it never happened.

I feel really bad for the person who predicted this all. His family kicked him out of the house because they thought he was crazy. It is past 6:00, it's actually almost 10:00pm here in the east-coast, and nothing has happened. No earthquake. NOTHING. This one crazy person spent so much money to advertise this stuff, for no reason. I wonder what he's thinking now. I bet he's all like " darrnn it everyone was right.. "

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