Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Summer - Last Day

Tommorow school starts. Wow.. This summer went by WAY to fast! I met lot's of great friends this summer, and I had a lot of great ( and bad ) times. I hope this year in 8th grade, will be my best year yet! I'm so exited to see everyone, and to admit, on the last day of school last year, I was actually sad school ended! Let's hope this years even better! Ill post throughout the year, mabye a few times a month, just to check in. But, as you can tell I can't hold down a daily diary like I wanted to in the beginning of the summer. I guess it's time to say ..

Goodbye Summer 2011, Hello Class of 2012!

I also forgot to say, I graduate this year! AHHHHH. Highschool next year! OMGOMGOMG AHH! <3